My Webasto has two switches: one turns the system on and runs it independently, cycling on and off based on the Webasto thermostats (I use this mode for engine heat). The second switch aligns the Webasto with the thermostats located in the cabin. In this mode, the Webasto will activate when heat is needed.
In the first mode, where the Webasto is on, the pumps run continuously. In the cabin heat mode, the pumps cycle on and off as needed.
On my coach, when the main drive engine is running, warm water circulates through the cooling loop and the Webasto exchangers. If I turn on the Webasto, the pumps will run, but the Webasto won’t fire due to the circulating water temperature being above the Webasto’s temperature control point.
It took me a while to understand the functionality of the Country Coach system.
If you need more details, feel free to give me a call.