Honestly, I’m not quite sure how they work either.
The first Prevost slides I encountered were the pin slides in an H3, and they were quite loud—sounded like a .30-06 rifle going off! They had some fancy interlock feature that required the little window by the driver to be open before extending the slide. This was to prevent odors from the waste tanks being sucked up through the P-traps when the slide was opened.
I’m sure there are others here who could explain it much better and in more engaging terms.
Regarding the shell we saw, it wasn’t set up by the converter yet, so I’m not entirely clear on its operations. I’d guess that any interlocking and pin mechanisms are either automatic or simple enough that anyone could handle it.
I do have a Sawzall with metal blades and a crowbar, though! It would be amusing to take apart someone else’s coach to see how it works. Anyone up for volunteering? It could make for a great topic at POG III: “Taking Apart Another Guy’s Coach.”
Self-rating: -0.198/a.3