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    • #2471

      Here’s an example of how to correctly install new tie rod assemblies, highlighting a common mistake I often find when inspecting the front end of a bus for the first time.

      A frequent issue occurs when the clamp is positioned with the bolt facing downward. This can cause the bolt to catch on the frame while turning, depending on the alignment. Since the clamp is indexed to the rod, it can’t simply be repositioned. My solution is to cut the bolt on the clamp flush with the nut after tightening. This problem only affects the inner clamps; the two outer clamps are generally fine, and the middle tie rod is solid without clamps.

      Once corrected, the setup should clear properly. This mistake is surprisingly common, even in work done by experienced shops.

      If you’re noticing a slight notchiness in your IFS, this could be the culprit.

      That’s today’s tech tip. Happy camping, and hope to see you down the road!


      Today, I uncovered an issue I hadn’t seen before.

      It turns out that those tie rod end clamp bolts, which can drag on the frame when pointed downward, can also hit the shock if pointed backward. It’s surprising to see how this can cause damage.

      Going forward, I’m going to cut all the inner tie rod end clamp bolts flush with the nut, no matter where they end up.

      Good grief.



      Here’s an uncommon failure I encountered.

      I didn’t remove the e-clip; it came undone on its own and was lying on the post when I first checked. The bushing was captured in place and couldn’t come out, but it was clear that corner must have been moving around a lot. When I removed the arm and stood it up, the bushing fell right out. I don’t recall ever seeing this before.

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